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Hair Jewelry
Posted by gladmeister
5/29/2012  12:05:00 PM
Does anyone know what is used as backing for womens hair strands? It is some form of rubberized mesh but an extensive search has not brought up exactly what it is or where I can get it so that I can make my own---I just cannot see spending 100+ bucks on something I can make myself. Thanks!
Re: Hair Jewelry
Posted by BallroomChick
5/30/2012  11:08:00 AM
That's along my thought lines too. I bought an inexpensive, pretty little applique on Ebay that is about 4 or 5 inches wide. I plan on taking it up the craft store to see what I can use to "give it some body," but not make it rigid stiff. If I fail I'm out less than $10.
Re: Hair Jewelry
Posted by gladmeister
5/30/2012  11:27:00 AM
If you find out please let me know--my local stores do not have anything, but I know the material is out there.
Re: Hair Jewelry
Posted by gladmeister
5/30/2012  11:31:00 AM
I am new to the boards--is there a way to contact you directly--I saw a previous post of yours and I believe you and I are the same height and size and I am looking for more ballroom outfits. (Forgive me if this an out of line request--I just don't know the ettiquette yet. Thanks!)
Re: Hair Jewelry
Posted by BallroomChick
7/12/2012  12:56:00 PM
For those who wanted to know how to make hair accessories from fabric / appliques. You will need Gem Tac glue, wax paper and an applique or an ornamental spot from extra material from your dress. The idea is to use the glue as your "rubber" backing on the ornament. You can either turn the applique face down on the wax paper and pour the glue over top OR pour a large puddle of glue on the wax paper and set the applique in the glue. Wait until the glue is good and dry and cut around the applique and peal the wax paper off. Use bobby pins to attach in hair.

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